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Import VAT: 16.00% Duty Free Limit: 0 Available Carriers Shipping prices Check actual shipping rates for any weight upto 130 lbs and all available carriers to Dominican Republic by entering weight and possibly dimensions of your package into form in the left column. Remember: dimensions are crucial for all carriers except for USPS where you just have to fit into dimensional and weight limit. USPS conditions and limitations
Customs limitations and Duty Free Info Import Duties axes and duties for imported goods (agricultural and nonagricultural) are calculated upon the "ad-valorem price" i.e. CIF price of the invoice multiplied by the unified foreign exchange rate. All Duties and taxes are collected in Dominican Pesos. There are generally four taxes on imports except for those subject to exemptions provided by law: 1. Tariff (Arancel): This is the basic import duty which ranges from 0 to 20%. 2. Luxury Tax (Impuesto Selectivo al Consumo): this is a consumption tax for luxury imports or "non-essential" goods that can be from 15 to 60 % of the CIF value. 3. Exchange Surcharge (Recargo Cambiario): This is a five percent tax imposed to all imports into the Dominican Republic. 4. Industrialized Goods and Services Tax (ITBS-Impuesto de Transferencia a los Bienes Industrializados y Servicios): This is a 12 % tax on processed agricultural goods and all non-agricultural goods. ITBIS is calculated on the CIF price plus the amount paid for all other taxes and duties http://www.fedex.com/us/international/irc/profiles/irc_do_profile.html?gtmcc=us
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