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Premium Account
Account for savvy shoppers, it will save you money on multiple purchases, gives you more time to collect and store your packages and perfect your outbound packages. This can save you lots of money on postage and even on customs fees in certain countries. Just create packages that fit customs-free limits in your country.

If you ship lots of small packages and subscribe to magazines, you should consider one-year subscription of Premium Account for $75. It gives you peace of mind about storage, magazine subscriptions of as many magazine titles you like and you also get 3 savings coupons worth $29 total to cover outbound shipping fees!

You don't pay fees for inbound mail into your Mailbox.
account setup fee $0.00
monthly fee $9.90 (prepay and save)
fee for inbound shipment
(large envelope, package)*
fee for inbound magazine $0.00
fee for single outbound shipment
(upto 8kg/18lbs of weight)
fee for consolidated outbound shipment
(combining packages in your mailbox upto 8kg/18lbs of weight)
fee for outbound shipment
(weight over 8kg/18lbs of weight)
$1.00 for each additional kg over 8kg
fee for outbound media mail
(magazines only)**
$1.00 per magazine
personal shopper service 5% of purchase price (minimum $5.00)
prepaid storage time-limit for packages 60 days
  setup Premium Account now

* inbound shipment fee covers recording of shipment and storage in Mailbox for max.60 days. Packages not shipped out within 60 days are subject of storage fee $5.00 per each 30 days of additional storage time.

** media mail is intended for magazine subscriptions only.

You can upgrade to Gold account anytime you feel it will save you money on continuous shopping and shipping.

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