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Category: Arts & Photography

Periodicity: monthly (issues: 8/ in months: 12)
Price: $42.00 $19.97 $8.83/issue

the first issue arrives in 6-10 weeks
Magazine size/volume ratio: 1.00 ... what is it?

The brainchild of Andy Warhol back in the heyday of the '70s club culture, Interview magazine has morphed from newsletter and photo essay of the Studio 54 set to the arbiter of what defines cutting edge for the nation (well, at least those in the nation who believe New York to be the center of the universe). It's magazine chic at its highest. When you pick up the magazine, don't look for Julia Roberts; look for the woman who will eclipse Julia in the next five years. The concept of the magazine couldn't be simpler--Q&A format, accompanied by photographs--but the Q is often provided by celebrity interviewers, and the A is usually extremely insightful, intriguing, and candid. And the photographs are the crème de la crème, by A-list lensers like Bruce Weber, Herb Ritts, and Annie Leibovitz (if you don't know them by name, this is definitely not the magazine for you). Nudity and profanity may put off some readers; others will be pleasantly titillated.

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